Category: Training

  • Training: Requirements Management Course Development & Delivery

    Developed & delivered a complete 8-hour course on Requirements Management for the New York Times Company. Here’s the project steps I took for an end-to-end solution: Learn client’s proprietary SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) process Apply my knowledge of RUP and client’s SDLC to develop a set of learning objectives for client approval Develop 6…

  • Queen of Angels Parish Website

    In 2004 I implemented an innovative, sophisticated website system for Queen of Angels Catholic Parish in Chicago, IL. The strategy uses an emerging technology—the TypePad hosted weblog solution—to deliver 20 separate websites at various URLs with over 30 content managers. This strategy is relevant for any large organization with lots of people and a wide…

  • National Safety Council Driver Safety Course

    Developed the requirements, led the design process, and managed the project for this Driver Safetry Course for MetLife and the National Safety Council. The system has the following characteristics: Used the IntraLearn learning management system for course management Entire course is authored in Flash, with an innovative system for managing flash-based chapters to track student…

  • Training: Bilingual (Spanish/ English) Computer Training

    Today after 12:30 Spanish language mass at Queen of Angels Parish (2-4 PM), I led a class for  basic computer skills– operating system, word processing, internet searching, to Spanish speakers. Some upshots: Over 20 people attended 5 biluingual speakers who served as proctors/ translators/ helpers for others All attendees succeeded in obtaining Yahoo! Mail acocunts…

  • Training: Discussion Board Software for The Jane Collaborative

    Today I helped out with training on discussion board software with dozens of Illinois libraries at the Burpee Museum of Natural History. Here’s how they describe the project: Welcome to The Jane Collaborative Forums, sponsored by the Burpee Museum of Natural History in Rockford, Illinois in partnership with sixty-one small urban and rural public libraries throughout…

  • Training: Week-Long Computer Camp for Kids at Wright College

    This month I taught a course of 15 elementary and high school students in a week-long “computer camp”. We had a great set of people who were eager to learn and well-behaved. On the first day of class we learned about our backgrounds with computers and the rules that we all followed at home about…