Category: Training

  • Workflow for Indexing Art

    Workflow for Indexing Art

    Briefly A system for photographing, uploading, and describing hundreds of objects. In this instance, I’m managing 4×6 pieces of art but the process works for anything that would normally be photographed. Situation My existing process was to take photos of all of the objects. This is rough because each image must be cropped and managed…

  • Published: Civic Site Service Mobile App User Guide

    Published: Civic Site Service Mobile App User Guide

    Today we published a new field guide to the CSS Mobile app and used it to train a dozen mechanics at a customer in the Bronx.

  • Product Sale: CSS Desktop and Mobile for Large NYC-based Elevator Servicer

    Product Sale: CSS Desktop and Mobile for Large NYC-based Elevator Servicer

    Today at Civic we closed a deal to for installation, configuration, and training on Civic Site Service Desktop for 12 front office people and CSS Mobile for 90 mechanics in the field. This represents a 15% growth in annual recurring revenue for the CSS business unit of Civic Elevator. One of the most gratifying elements…

  • Workshop: Headline Ideation at Client Executive Retreat

    Workshop: Headline Ideation at Client Executive Retreat

    Today I conducted a workshop for 60 people at the offsite retreat of a large Civic Elevator customer. The purpose was to gather a wide set of objectives at the local business level in order to map efforts to the larger corporate strategy, which Civic has helped develop through extensive technology consulting.

  • Remote Team Building for Data Management

    Remote Team Building for Data Management

    An essential part of our work at Civic Elevator is entering large amounts of data from customer records into a central database. This helps the customer reduce costs and stay focused on revenue-generating activities while helping us build expertise.

  • Collaboration Tools Integration

    Collaboration Tools Integration

    Today I traveled to a customer site to oversee the launch of MS 365 tools as well as to do user experience research and process discovery. This servicer is a geographic outlier, so there is lots of value in discovering local variations to process. What I’ve seen is that these variations can have emotional, muncipal,…

  • Arte Agora Lessons at SAE

    Today I did my first Arte Agora lessons at Morgan Sayer’s art class st the SAE Institute Chicago. Two weeks before the session, introduce the concept of Arte Agora to the students. Define the term using the first portion of the book, provide a PDF of book, assign reading, and have a general discussion that…

  • Long-Term Strategy Training & Documentation

    Long-Term Strategy Training & Documentation

    This month I conducted training in six locations, bringing the strategy that I helped create for my client to the people who are responsible for executing it, on the ground. The training includes an explanation of each component of the strategy, making sure that people see themselves and their contributions in the finished product.

  • Youth-Led Tech

    Youth-Led Tech

    Youth-Led Tech is a training program I developed and launched at Smart Chicago Collaborative. Here’s a story on the Smart Chicago Youth-Led Tech program published by Susan Crawford on Backchannel: Crossing the Digital Divide on Chicago’s Toughest Streets. Snips: Dan O’Neil, the spiky-haired, fearless leader of Smart Chicago, told me last week he was often on…

  • Training: Last CCD Class

    Tonight, after a 10-year run in two parishes, I taught my last CCD class.