Over the last two days I helped facilitate the first Mayors Leadership Institute on Smart Cities of the United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) at New York University’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service.
Here’s a snip from the announcement of the Institute:
“The drive to make cities ‘smarter’ is all about harnessing data and digital technology to meet the challenge of doing more with less. Technology alone can’t solve every urban problem, but it’s a powerful and cost-effective tool for helping cities accelerate progress. As natural incubators of innovation, cities have an opportunity to step up and lead at this critical time. Ultimately, the Institute is about empowering mayors to be better leaders,” says USCM President Columbia (SC) Mayor Steve Benjamin.
“NYU Wagner is proud to partner with the US Conference of Mayors on this Institute,” says Sherry Glied, the school’s dean. “NYU and universities as whole play an important role in helping cities address today’s critical public service challenges. As a recognized leader in the urban space, we are excited to collaborate with mayors here in New York City—one of the world’s most vibrant urban epicenters—on their efforts to create ‘smarter’ cities.”
The inaugural meeting of the Institute will take place on December 5 – 7, 2018. Ten mayors from across the country will convene in New York City for three days of closed-door working sessions. Featured experts will include renowned scholars, industry professionals, data officers and public officials widely recognized as leaders in the field. Mayors will construct plans tailored to their specific priorities that can then be practically implemented.
Here’s some tweets from the event:

And a team photos of mayors and experts/ facilitators: