The work of Smart Chicago was referenced today in Carl Malamud’s “In Re: Pacer“, a “National Strategy of Litigation, Supplication, and Agitation”
RED, WHITE, & BLUE TEAMS: Metaphors Working for a Better America
MAY 1 —“LawDay”—
Proposed as a National Day of PACER Protest

My hope is that groups will gather together and focus on a single district or circuit court. Law schools are a natural, it wouldn’t be hard to get a couple hundred law students at a school to all go after their local district. But, this doesn’t have to be limited to lawyers! For example, there’s a wonderful group called DC Legal Hackers which was started by Alan deLevie, Rebecca Wiliams, Jameson Dempsey, and other talented public-spirited people in Washington. Likewise, Chicago has an extremely active civic community and active groups such as the Smart Chicago Collaborative, founded by Daniel X. O’Neil. My hope is that some of these groups might get involved as well! (This memo is the first they will have heard of this, so I don’t presume to task them with work, but only hope they will consider participation.)