Open 311 ServiceTracker Chicago is a website and API that I conceived and led in my position at Smart Chicago Collaborative. This was the first project of its kind and lead to the adoption of the service by the City of Chicago at
Read more: Open 311 ServiceTracker for the City of ChicagoNews coverage:
Online system to track 311 calls
By Fran Spielman, City Hall Reporter for the Chicago Sun-Times, September 14, 2012
The technology upgrade will make the process of calling 311 to get a pothole filled, a tree trimmed or a broken streetlight replaced like using FedEx to send a package, under the plan, first disclosed by the Chicago Sun-Times last spring.
Mayor Emanuel Launches New Online “Open311” System to Improve Government Accountability and Service Delivery
Press release from Mayor’s Office of the City of Chicago, September 20, 2012
The Open311 technology was developed through a partnership between the City’s Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT) and Code for America, and was funded in part by the Smart Chicago Collaborative.
Code for America, a non-profit loosely based on Teach for America, recruits the top talent from the technology industry to give a year of service to build innovative web applications for city governments.
Code for America selected the City of Chicago as one of only eight cities to be a part of its 2012 national fellowship program, thanks to Chicago’s demonstration of cutting-edge thinking and its willingness to invest in long-term change through the development of new web-based technology.
Mayor’s Office Video: Open 311 in Chicago
Here’s an information chart created by the Mayor’s Office:

City Reveals New And Upgraded 311 App
CBS Chicago, September 20, 2012 6:50 AM
“That’s what we’ve built – it’s called Service Tracker,” city Chief Technology Officer John Tolva said on the CBS 2 Morning News Thursday. “So whether you call in, or whether you e-mail, or use an app, you get a number just like a package, and you can track it all along the way, and you’ll get an e-mail saying it’s done.”
Chicago Launches 311 Service Tracker
WBEZ | 91.5, by Robin Amer, September 20, 2012
Chicago Chief Technology Officer John Tolva said the new service will help make city government more accountable and more transparent, something Mayor Rahm Emanuel promised upon taking office. “You need to be able to see where [a service request] is at every step along the way – not just whether it’s open or closed,” Tolva said. “Our residents and our businesses deserve to know that.”
City launches new 311 Web site, Mark Suppelsa,6:13 p.m. CDT, September 20, 2012
Chicago residents have a new way to request city services all with the click of a mouse. The city revealed its new open 311 website today which allows people to submit pictures of problems. And soon there will be an improved app.

Lastly: a =n incomplete list of news stories covering the work: