PRESS: The Day EveryBlock Came to Town (EveryBlock Launch in Portland)
Today I was quoted as part of a story covering the launch of EveryBlock Portland. I worked with city officials to help create the standards for their data publication as well as working to understand the data.
To be honest, I like reading that kind of stuff. Maybe you do too. As O’Neil says, “we do have a wider definition of what news is.” Not everyone feels satisfied with the level of detail being provided or the absence of filtering the signal from the noise. It’s hard to imagine machines replacing the human storytelling that journalists provide. The machines could augment that journalism, though, and there’s lots of room for them to do an even better job of it.
The violation text has “Yet to come!” because he was working on some other part of the schema and he didn’t want this text blob to mess the formatting up.