Catherine Cook School Teacher Websites, Moodle Installation, and All-School Calendar

Created a complete website system for the Catherine Cook School in Chicago. Includes:

  • Over 50 teacher websites based on the TypePad weblog content management system.
  • All of the teacher sites run off of the same template, which reduces admin maintenance while assuring that each website has the CCS website look & feel
  • Teacher sites allow for customization at the blog level– teachers are able to put in the own header, subhead, “my links”, categories, and so on
  • RSS feeds automatically served by FeedBurner, making it easy for parents to understand RSS and subscribe through various services
  • Installed and configured the Moodle Learning Management System with the school’s look & feel
  • Set up Google Calendar so that everyone can keep up with the many events from Pre-K to 12
  • Created OPML file of feeds for all teacher sites for easy importing into RSS readers so that parents, teachers, and administrators can keep up with the whole school




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